Registrations for the seminar with Inagaki Sensei, June 8-9 are now closed. We’re checking the possibilities to move the seminar to a larger hall but presently only those who have registered before May 10 can expect to participate.
Shigemi Inagaki Shihan, was born and raised in Iwama. He became a student of the Aikido Founder, Ueshiba Morihei O-Sensei, in 1958. After graduating from Nihon University in Tokyo in 1969, Inagaki Sensei spent 2½ years in the Iwama Dojo as Uchideshi under Morihiro Saito Shihan.
Inagaki Sensei is featured as Saito Sensei’s weapons training partner in the book series ”Traditonal Aikido” together with the films Saito Sensei released in the early 1970s. He travelled with Saito Sensei to USA in the 1970s, in the 80s he often taught in Hawaii. From 1996 Inagaki Sensei has been teaching annually in Myanmar (Burma). In recent years Inagaki Sensei has also made annual trips to Europe and South America to conduct seminars.
Inagaki Sensei is the General Manager of, and a teacher in the Iwama Dojo, now called Ibaraki Shibu Dojo (Ibaraki Branch Dojo). This is O-Senseis dojo – the dojo where Morhiro Saito Shihan also taught for 33 years. Inagaki Sensei is a member of the All Japan Aikido Federation Council, and Regular Director of the Ibaraki Aikido Federation. Inagaki Sensei is also the Chairman of Myanmar Aikikai and Chief instructor of Aikido Association of Myanmar.
Today Inagaki Sensei is one of the most well known, and experienced, teachers from the Ibaraki Shibu Dojo. He travels worldwide to teach, and generouesly shares his deep understanding in Aikido, based on almost 55 years of training, as a direct student of O´Sensei for 11 years, and for many more under Morihiro Saito Sensei.
Gothenburg Aikido Club is honored to host a seminar with Inagaki Shihan for the third time.
Location Frölunda Judoklubb, Klubbvägen 8. Västra Frölunda.
Schedule Start Saturday 11:00, end Sunday 14:30.
Fees 700 SEK (€ 85). Payment before first training.
Enrolment info@takemusuaikido.org or info@goteborgsaikidoklubb.se
Telephone: +46 31 410590 (evenings)
Deadline for registration: June 1, 2013
Accommodation Gothenburg Aikido Club or Frölunda Judoklubb
50 SEK (€ 6) per night. Bring sleeping bag.
Other Bring ken and jo. Participants traveling by airplane can borrow ken and jo. Please give notice if you need to do so.
Selling of products, or advertising, by Gothenburg Aikido Club only.
Filming and photo is forbidden during the classes without permission,
All participant must be fully insured.
Party: 150 SEK (€ 20). Notify participation when you register.
Read more in the invitation.