Laila Fladberg, 4 dan and Barbro Hälinen, 1 kyu went to a seminar in Lancaster with Shihan Ulf Evenås, 7 dan. Lancaster University Aikido Club arranged the seminar and it took place 8 -10 June 2012.
The participants came from Birmingham, Lancaster, Nottingham, London, Liverpool and Sweden and the age ranged from students up to 72 years.
Shihian Ulf Evenås started with the basics and went on to more advanced exercises making everything look so easy and with great patience guiding us all to improve.
We all enjoyed this well arranged seminar and we also had the opportunity to look around Lancaster a few hours. On Saturday evening we went out for a nice dinner and, of course, visited some pubs.
Laila Fladberg 4 dan, Barbro Hälinen 1 kyu